Karina is the producer genius that has sat behind some of my favourite shows and films over the years, from hard-hitting pieces like ‘Go Back to Where You Came From’ – a show that quite literally had the entire of Australia talking and reflecting on how we treat so-called ‘boat people’ as was the rhetoric at the time, to hilarious shows like Luke Warm Sex which shone a light on how we approach learning about intimacy.
There’s no doubt that her career is a remarkable one, but the particular angle I wanted to take with this conversation was around, not just crafting a wonderful story, whether that’s following the Masai tribe in Africa or tackling the ancient art of spider wrestling in Japan (and don’t worry, you’ll hear about that in a minute) but actually how you go about creating a piece of story telling that actually provokes meaningful change.
This is a powerful conversation for anyone who has identified an injustice, and wants to cause people to rise up, and do something about it, and if you do enjoy this episode and want to see more of Karina’s awesome work then head down to your local cinema on May 30th and check of advanced screenings of her latest masterpiece, Blue – https://au.demand.film/blue/